Opportunities for Participation
Tradewinds has had a strong and competitive racing tradition since the club's inception in 2004, and this year continues that course. Each year, a lake-wide calendar is arranged in cooperation with the other Yacht Clubs on the lake, creating many opportunities for us to participate in lake-wide events. These include the TYC Commodore Cup, the Carlyle Cruiser Cup series, and a Moonlight Regatta, among others.
(See the Race Schedule on this web site for exact dates and club locations).
TYC's Fall and Spring Series
Our own club racing program will again consist of spring and fall racing formats, comprised of six races per season with series and overall awards presented annually at our organization-wide Gala, held in early 2025. Skippers meet at 10am on race day. Both Captain and crew are encouraged to attend. In addition to the normal race day preparation � determining the course, assigning marks, etc. -- it is a great opportunity to share racing insights and learn rules and tactics before we hit the course. Racing follows at 12Noon winds permitting.
Spread the Word
Attracting new racers to our program is critical to the ongoing success of our racing program. To that end, any brand-new racers may participate free of race fees. All others pay $40 per series to cover the cost of awards. If you've never raced, consider participating as a crew member with a more experienced Skipper who will help you learn the "ropes" and sheet lines.
Please consider participating in our racing program. You will be welcomed with open arms. We party hardy and toast (and boast) the most! If you wish to receive routine communication about the program, please send your name, email address and phone number to Lckenney2021@outlook.com. We welcome sailors of all levels!
I are looking forward to seeing you on the race course!
Your Fleet Commander and 2024 Race Chair
Lisa Kenney